Natural Remedies to Help in the Treatment of Rosacea

Rosacea can be mistaken for acne and many sufferers initially try to treat the condition with acne OTC preparations. These products may contain alcohol, acids, irritating ingredients and many different chemicals and will only make the rosacea worse as the skin is already sensitive. it is not recommended to treat rosacea yourself using OTC remedies. Rosacea can worsen considerably if not treated until it develops into inflammatory rosacea so needs to be treated by a doctor.

Some natural rosacea remedies that can be used in addition to professional treatments for rosacea are detailed below. Consult your medical health care provider before using any of the methods as they may interfere with other rosacea treatments you may be using.
  • Apply cold compresses to the area affected

  • Gently tone the face with diluted witch hazel

  • Drink grape or apple juice

  • B vitamins are thought to help the condition

  • Boil some chamomile in distilled water, cool and use on the affected areas. keep the liquid in the fridge

  • Aloe can be soothing to reddened skin

1 comment:

  1. Hormonal imbalance and other issues can have a huge impact. Also, caring for the liver is very important to overall ocular and skin health. So, it's not just the external aspects, though these are very important, the internal chemistry of a rosacea patient (beyond antibiotics) should be considered for effective rosacea skin care.
